Today I am reminded of how complex yet simple God’s love can be. Complex because God's love is the complete opposite of the emotionally driven depiction the world says love is, yet simple because God makes His love so easy to receive. The fact that He went above and beyond by sending His only Son Jesus to live, die, and resurrect from the grave on our behalf, all to say "I love you", speaks volumes about how much God cares for humanity and makes me desire and love Him even more.
Despite our limited capacity to give Him the love that He truly deserves, our yes through our repentance, surrender, and acceptance of Jesus and our obedience is enough to make Him smile and say "well done good and faithful servant" and call us both His children and his friends. This is an honor that I will never take lightly.
With conditional love, there is usually a level of expectation in conjunction with reciprocity. When an expectation isn’t met, access to what was previously given can become limited and sometimes nonexistent. However, the beauty of God’s unconditional love is the fact that we never have to strive, beg, chase, or work for His love. As a matter of fact, even when we disappoint Him through choosing things other than Him, our sin and our idols are what separate us from His presence but He never takes away or separates us from His love. His love is freely given, with the hope of being wholeheartedly received and with the hope of being loved back. But He will never take His love away.
Whether you have a valentine or not, know that you are fiercely loved, seen, and pursued by the One true God who created and exemplified love in its most purest form; through the love and sacrifice of His Son, Jesus, for you.
Today I encourage you to receive God’s love through His Son Jesus, to give it back to Him through your yes to His will and His way, and to give that same love away to others once you have received it for yourself.
Happy day of Love!
With love,
Simone Parke
Abiding Scripture:
John 3:16 KJV
“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”